Stories, songs, & a craft. For ages 18-36 months.
Registration for this date registers you for all dates in the summer session.
Click on a button below to register simultaneously for multiple programs within that age group.
To register for one program only, simply find it on the calendar below and click that link.
Stories, songs, & a craft. For ages 18-36 months.
Registration for this date registers you for all dates in the summer session.
Our favorite therapy dogs will be here to hear your stories. Sign up each week at the Children's Desk.
Pokemon trainers will gather to play games and discuss all things Pokemon! For grades K-4.
Registration for this date registers you for all dates in the summer session.
Join our Summer D&D Campaign! New players are always welcome!
Grades 8-12
New players: contact Emily W. at or call (845)986-1047 to find out more about creating a character to join!
Jester Jim will be here to entertain us with his wild and wacky, juggling, beatboxing antics!
Sing and play instuments, for ages 10-36 months.
Registration for this date registers you for all dates in the summer session.
Stories, songs, & a craft. For ages 3-5 years.
Registration for this date registers you for all dates in the summer session.
Our favorite therapy dogs will be here to hear your stories. Sign up each week at the Children's desk!
A casual game of scrabble that meets weekly!