Toddler Time
Toddler Time - a program for little ones with parent/guardian participation. Ages 18 months to 36 months. Registration online begins March 19th.
Toddler Time
Toddler Time- A program for little ones with parent /guardian participation. Ages 18 months-36 months. Register online beginning March 19.
Earth Day Family Concert with Tommy Gardner & the Uncle Brothers
Earth Day Family Concert with Tommy Gardner & the Uncle Brothers. Sing along to some old favorites and celebrate the Earth's special day! For families with children under 10. Register online beginning March 19.
British Engineers: The Lay of the Land @ Founders' Day (No Registration Required)
Determining location exactly was an important part of life in 18th c. Warwick. Join John Mueller of the Corps of Engineers, King's Army in America reenactment group as he demonstrates tools of math, geography, astronomy, and the art of map-making as used by surveyors during Revolutionary days. This outdoor, free event is a part of Founders' Day at the Gen.
Where's Waldo?
Where's Waldo? Drop by on Saturday, January 8 between 11:00am and 3:00pm to create a large Waldo that we will place around town and in other interesting spots. From January 10 to February 26, pick up a clue sheet at the Library and try and find all the Waldos. If you can find them all, come in and get a Where's Waldo? book of your very own! Ages 6-10.
Preschool Storytime
Preschool Storytime- Books, songs and more! Ages 3-5. Register online beginning Dec. 18.
Lego Sunday-Drop-in
Lego Sunday- Come and build with a friend. Ages 4-10.
Lego Sunday-Drop-in
Lego Sunday- Come and build with a friend. Ages 4-10
Lego Sunday-Drop-in
Lego Sunday- Come and build with a friend.