Teen Zombiepocalypse!

Wed, 07/27/2016 - 6:00pm to 7:45pm
Help Desk at (845) 986-1047 ext. 3 or warref@rcls.org
Age Group: 

Have fun testing your survival skills in ths live-action role-playing game.

Programmer/Name Contact: 

[ Registration Required ]

Sonnet Writing Competition

Fri, 09/16/2016 - 9:00am to 8:00pm
Help Desk 986-1047, ext. 3 or warref@rcls.org
Age Group: 

Mark the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare's death by trying your hand at a Shakespearean Sonnet centered on a Warwick Valley Theme. First prize will be $100 gift certificate to Ye Olde Warwick Book Shoppe; two runners-up will receive a Shakespeare coffee mug. SUBMISSION DEADLINE: SEPTEMBER 16, 2016 at the Help Desk.

Programmer/Name Contact: 

[ Registration Required ]

Author Lisa Edwards presents "Please Don't Eat the Baby and Please Don't Chase the Dogs"

Tue, 05/17/2016 - 6:30pm to 7:30pm
Help Desk 986-1047, ext. 3 or warref@rcls.org
Age Group: 

International best-selling author Lisa J. Edwards presents her second book, Please Don۪t Eat the Baby (And Please Don't Chase the Dogs) with helpful tips for teaching dogs and children to be safe around each other. Using excerpts from her book, Lisa will provide information you never thought you needed but are very thankful to learn.
Copies of her book will be available for purchase and autograph. Q&A to follow the presentation.

Programmer/Name Contact: 
Room set-up

[ Registration Required ]

Sondheim & Shakespeare Salon: with Special Guest Musical Director Stephen Borsuk

Fri, 06/03/2016 - 6:00pm to 8:00pm
Help Desk at 986-1047, ext. 3 or warref@rcls.org
Age Group: 

Please join Acting for a Change director Linda Richmond and members of the senior improvisational drama group as we warm up, salon-style, for Saturday۪s performance of Love Is In the Air.۝

Programmer/Name Contact: 
Room set-up

[ Registration Required ]

On Your Mark, Get Set, Have Fun!

Fri, 07/29/2016 - 11:00am to 12:00pm
Children's Dept. 986-1047, ext. 4 or warkids@rcls.org
Age Group: 

On Your Mark, Get Set, Have Fun! - Let's have some fun with a Library field day! Join us for non-competitive games on the lawn. Hula hoops, frisbees, jump ropes, ring toss and more. Grades K-3 (completed). Register online, or at the Children's Desk, beginning June 11.

Programmer/Name Contact: 
Room set-up

[ Registration Required ]


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