200 Years of Austen: The (After) Life of a Literary Icon

Thu, 03/16/2017 - 6:30pm to 7:45pm
Help Desk @ 986-1047, ext. 3 or warref@rcls.org
Age Group: 

“Why do you like Miss Austen so very much?” Charlotte Brontë asked the critic George Henry Lewes in 1847. While Lewis found Jane Austen to be one of the great English novelists, Brontë found her work to be lacking in imagination, noting that she “should hardly like to live with [Austen’s] ladies and gentlemen, in their elegant but confined houses.” How surprised Brontë would be, then, to learn that Austen remains a consistent--and pervasive--presence in all aspects of popular culture, nearly 200 years after her death.

Room set-up

[ Registration Required ]

"Young Children & Digital Footprints" A Family Central Community Conversation

Thu, 03/09/2017 - 6:30pm to 7:45pm
The Help Desk at 986-1047, ext. 3
Age Group: 

The digital world dramatically changes the context of photo and video sharing and instanlty amplifies the potential audience for the images you capture and upload.  How early does one's digital footprint begin and how are your behaviors affecting your child's digital footprint?  Join us to learn more about how sharing videos and pictures of your child could be a violation of his/her right to privacy.

 Facilitated discussions using real-life examples, teen participants, and free materials.

Room set-up

[ Registration Required ]

Digital Drama ~ A Family Central Community Conversation:

Sat, 02/11/2017 - 11:00am to 12:00pm
The Help Desk at 986-1047, ext. 3
Age Group: 

Digital drama brews in the offline world and simmers online when kids feel emboldened to say or do things that they wouldn't face-to-face.  Participants will learn about the forms of digital drama including fake pages, impersonation, and sub-tweeting as well as the challenges tweens/teens face as their friends and foes from offline life connect with them through new mediums.  

A facilitated discussion using real-life examples, teen participants, and free materials.

Room set-up

[ Registration Required ]

"Connected, But Not Here" a Family Central Community Conversation

Sun, 01/22/2017 - 2:00pm to 3:30pm
Help Desk at 986-1047, ext. 3 or warref@rcls.org
Age Group: 

The unprecedented rate of technological change - with 24/7 connection to others, the development of virtual realities and virtual relationships of all sorts - may be redefining what it is to be human in the 21st century. This workshop will look at the secret world of teenagers (and adults) and offer suggestions of how we can get back to a reality grounded in authentic feeling and connection.

This discussion is facilitated by Jerry Sanders, Clinical Social Worker/ Therapist, LCSW-R

Programmer/Name Contact: 
Beverly Braxton:
Room set-up

[ Registration Required ]

Guantanamo Bay Prison

Wed, 02/22/2017 - 6:30pm to 7:45pm
Help Desk @ 986-1047, ext. 3 or warref@rcls.org
Age Group: 

Valerie Lucznikowska will present a brief history of the prison at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base in Cuba.  Having visited the prison, she will discuss its current operation and what the future may hold.

Programmer/Name Contact: 
Valerie L. 212 777-7997
Room set-up

[ Registration Required ]

Mindfulness in Daily Life

Tue, 02/07/2017 - 6:00pm to 7:00pm
Help Desk @ 986-1047, ext. 3 or warref@rcls.org
Age Group: 

Join Ruth Landstrom, Ph.D., for ideas on how to bring mindfulness to everyday life.  Each class will include a guided mediation practice.  Attendance at all four sessions is encouraged.

Room set-up

[ Registration Required ]

Toddler Time

Wed, 01/11/2017 - 10:00am to 10:30am
Age Group: 

Toddler Time- A program for toddlers and a parent or caregiver. Ages 18-36 months. Register beginning Dec. 17 online or at the children's desk.

Programmer/Name Contact: 
Room set-up

[ Registration Required ]


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