The Urgent Need for Immigration Reform to Help U.S. Citizens

Wed, 05/29/2019 - 6:00pm to 7:45pm
Help Desk at 986-1047, ext. 3 or
Age Group: 

How can immigration reform be shaped to benefit the United States, while also assisting immigrants?  Immigration attorney Robert Fuchs will discuss this and other related immigration topics and introduce the proposed Family Reunification, Economic Expansion and Documented Organized Management Act - The FREEDOM Act.  The program is sponsored by Warwick Immigrant Neighbors (WIN).

Room set-up


Body, Breath and Voice with Jody Weatherstone

Sat, 04/20/2019 - 10:00am to 11:30pm
Help Desk at 986-1047 ext. 3 or
Age Group: 

Leading the vocalist to greater awareness of and mastery over their instrument, this class is a unique and powerful blend of gentle yoga, breath work, mindfulness, and sounding for singers, actors, teachers, speakers, and anyone wanting more comfort, ease, and confidence in using their voice.  The voice is the seat of self-expression and personal power. Re-discover your inate ability to vocalize with confidence, connection and intention.

Room set-up

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