Clearing Clouds of Confusion, from Community Solar: Why Going Solar is Cost-Effective for Everyone

Thu, 06/06/2019 - 6:30pm to 7:45pm
Age Group: 

While a home solar system can be a great investment, not every home is suitable for a solar installation.  New York residents have the opportunity to sign up for community solar, but the options can be confusing.  This presentation will provide an overview of solar options by Sustainable Warwick along with descriptions of contrasting community models by representatives of Solstice and SunCommon.  Join us to learn how the worst alternative for consumers is to decline a solar option.

Room set-up

[ Registration Required ]

Artist in Residence Event: Fun with Water Wheels for Teens

Sat, 11/09/2019 - 2:00pm to 4:00pm
Age Group: 

Join Artist in Residence Amy Lewis Sweetman for this Fountain laboratory class!  Water sheels were used to power mills and move ships in bygone eras.  Create a group waterwheel sculpture on our patio in this hands-on workshop with Agrisculpture Amy, using recycled bicycle wheels, dowels and cups!  The Artist in Residence program is made possible by a generous gift to the AWPL Foundation by Glenn P. and Susan D. Dickes.

Room set-up

[ Registration Required ]


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