Mah Jongg
Library Tax Levy and Trustee Vote
Monday Morning Book Discussion Group
Music for Munchkins! Children's Concert
Members from the Warwick Valley Middle School 8th grade orchestra and band will be performing fun music geared for kids. Selections include popular Classical pieces, Disney classics, music from Frozen and even a Halloween piece! Ages 1-8 with adult.
Register Sept. 13
Favorite Poem Project
So you have a favorite poem? Come share that poem with us on Sunday, June 1. Local poet Jim Kenny will host the event, which is based on the "Favorite Poem Project" created by former Poet Laureate Robert Pinsky. We ask that you choose poems by Walt Whitman, Emily Dickinson, Shakespeare, etc. Every reader is allotted five minutes to read and explain why that poem is their favorite.
Mental Health Awareness Open House
Allison's Book Group Discussion: "The Goldfinch" by Donna Tartt
Allison Petrus-Wilkins will lead a book discussion on The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt.
Consider the Conversation: A Documentary about a Taboo Subject with Hospice of Orange & Sullivan
A film and discussion presented by Hospice of Orange and Sullivan Counties on the topic of end-of-life care. An hour-long film will be followed by a brief discussion and handouts on services and programs that support people with decisions related to the end of life.
4-H Discovery Days ~ Forces of Nature
Learn about 4-H through hands-on activities.
Ages 8-12
April 29 - Forces of Nature Eathquakes, floods, fires and extreme weather conditions are all forces of nature found on earth that we will explore.learn the science of earthquakes - lava layering - build a barometer