Talk It Up!
Talk-It-Up: Read and discuss the book Thunder Cake and learn how not to be afraid in a thunderstorm! Make a colorful pinwheel. Ages 5-8
Register June 21.
Talk-It-Up: Read and discuss the book Thunder Cake and learn how not to be afraid in a thunderstorm! Make a colorful pinwheel. Ages 5-8
Register June 21.
Talk-It-Up: Read and discuss the book Bartholomew and the Ooblek and make some ooblek to take home. Ages 5-8. Register June 14.
Family Craft Night- Make a craft together: Aug. 4-Silly Sand Art. Children 5 and up, register online or at the Children's desk.
Family Craft Night- Make a craft together: July 28-Foam notebook and magnets. Children 5 and up, register online or at the Children's desk.
Family Craft Night- Make a craft together: July 21-3-D photo cube. Children 5 and up, register online or at the Children's desk.
Family Craft Night-Make a craft together: July 14- Jewelry Night.
Children 5 and up, register online or at the Children's desk.
Family Craft Night- make a craft together:July 7 Science Bookmark. Children 5 and up, register on-line or at the Children's desk.
Pajamatime Storytime- Wear your Pjs, bring a pillow or stuffed animal and enjoy some stories, for families with young children. Register for each class beginning June 14.
Pajamatime Storytime- Wear your Pjs, bring a pillow or stuffed animal and enjoy some stories, for families with young children. Register for each class beginning June 14.