March Drop-in Storytime for the Family
Family Storytime- Drop-in for stories and some fun!
Family Storytime- Drop-in for stories and some fun!
Family Storytime-Drop-in for some stories and fun!
Preschool Yoga- Yoga helps with balance, concentration and plus it's fun! Ages 3-5. Register online or at the children's desk beginning Dec. 12.
We will read a book together and discuss the scientific principle in the story. A hands-on activity will follow. Grades K-4. Register online or at the children's desk beginning Dec. 12. Our book will be " Henry's Map" by David Elliot.
We will read a book together and discuss the scientific principle from the story. A hands-on activity will follow. Grades K-4. " What floats in a moat?" by Lynne Berry will be our first book. Register online or at the children's desk beginning Dec. 12.
After School Yoga- Yoga helps balance, concentration and it's fun! Grades K-3
Register for all four classes beginning Dec. 12 online or in the Children's room.
Myth, legend, a pot of gold? Let's find out! Ages 4-9. Register beginning December 12, online or at the Children's Desk 986-1047, ext. 4.
Hear some Valentine stories and create a chocolate bouquet for someone special. Ages 4-9. Register beginning Dec. 12.
Welcome the Year of the Monkey! Monkeys are curious, clever and practical jokers. Hear some stories, make a craft and have some food. Ages 4-9. Register beginning Dec. 12.
My Art Class! Create a self-portrait with the help of local artist Diane Ouzoonian. Ages 7-10 Register beginning Dec. 12