Cooking Together!
Cooking Together! - Adult and preschooler will hear stories, sing songs and prepare some food to share together. Ages 3-6. (No siblings,please) Register beginning Sept.9 online or at the children's desk.
Cooking Together! - Adult and preschooler will hear stories, sing songs and prepare some food to share together. Ages 3-6. (No siblings,please) Register beginning Sept.9 online or at the children's desk.
Cooking Together!- Adult and preschooler will hear stories, sing songs and prepare some food to share together. Ages 3-5 (No siblings,please) Register beginning Sept. 9 online or at the children's desk.
Annual Halloween Party and Parade - Stories, songs and trick-or-treating in the Library! Costumes encouraged! Ages 2-7. Register beginning Sept. 9 online or in person at the Children's Desk.
After School Yoga- Yoga helps balance, concentration and it's fun! Grades K-3. Register beginning Sept. 9 online or at the children's desk.
Preschool Spanish- Join teacher Joyce Shenkman for some fun learning basic Spanish. Ages 3-5. Register beginning Sept. 9 online or at the children's desk.
Junior Chefs - Stories & Cooking - Cookies, cookies cookies! Bake and share. Grades K-3. Register beginning Sept. 9 online or in person at the Children's Desk.
Junior Chefs- Stories & Cooking- Honoring our Veterans in red, white and blue! Grades K-3. Register beginning Sept. 9 online or in person at the Children's Desk.
Junior Chefs - Make a Halloween trick & treat to eat and play with! Grades K-3. Register beginning Sept. 9 online or in person at the Children's Desk.
Open Studio - Art on a Sunday: Drop in and create with local artist Judy Pedersen. Ages 5 and up with adult help.
Chess & Checkers- Drop-in and play a round of chess or checkers. Bring a friend! Grades 2-5