Contact: Help Desk @ 986-1047, ext. 3 or
Age Group: 

This workshop will focus on media and technology with the goal of shedding light on the challenges and solutions to parenting in our media-saturated world.  Family Central will provide some highlights of the current research on this topic, followed by a short question and answer session.  Participants will then meet in small groups to begin addressing their concerns and sharing information, ideas, and strategies. Each small group will report out to the larger group, and next steps will be identified.  Participants seeking to meet on a more frequent basis or create some way of continuing this conversation will be provided the time to discuss the formation of a parenting support group.

Please join us if you are:
•    curious about where our current use of technology is taking us;
•    wondering what type of effect digital media is having on children’s development;
•    seeking resources to help you make informed decisions regarding your family’s use of media and technology.

Family Central is a grassroots movement based in Warwick and dedicated to safeguarding childhood and supporting family life. We are committed to raising awareness of the unique challenges of parenting in today's world.  Come share your concerns as well as your hopes for what we can do together while helping to establish a community-wide parenting resource.  For further information, contact Beverly Braxton at

Room set-up

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