Toddler Time
Toddler Time
Toddler Time
Toddler Time
Toddler Time- A program for toddlers with adult participation. Ages 18 months-36 months. Register beginning June 15 online or at the children's desk.
Open Studio - Art in the Afternoon: Drop in and create with local artist Judy Pedersen. Ages 5 and up with adult.
Open Studio - Art in the Afternoon: Drop in and create with local artist Judy Pedersen. Ages 5 and up with adult.
Lego Sunday- Drop-in and build with a friend!
Lego Sunday- Drop-in and build with a friend!
Lego Sunday- Drop-in and build with someone!
Calligraphy with Ron Gee - Learn some basics about the art and technique of this special form of Chinese writing. Ages 9-12. Register beginning June 15 online or in person at the Children's Desk.
Summer Babies