Spring Frog Walk – Program and Field Trip CANCELLED

Wed, 05/13/2020 - 7:00pm to 9:00pm
Age Group: 

Join Audubon's Pam Golben for a  multi-medium program begins with an illustrated slide show. Become familiar with the frog and toad species of New York State and learn to identify them by sight and sound. We will also discuss frog conservation issues and Citizen Science opportunities.  Following the presentation, take a walk to the wetlands behind the library where we will practice identifying frogs by their vocalizations.

Room set-up


Winter Hike in Warwick

Sat, 02/08/2020 - 10:00am to 11:30am
Help Desk at 986-1047, ext. 3 or warref@rcls.org
Age Group: 

No bears, no ticks!  Got cabin fever, but unsure how to explore the wild in winter?  Join John DeSanto and Sona Mason of the New York-New Jersey Trail Conference on an Intro to Winter Hiking.

Room set-up

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