Internet Acceptable Use Policy

Albert Wisner Public Library

Acceptable Use of Albert Wisner Public Library Wireless (WiFi) and Internet Access

I understand and agree to comply with all of the following conditions:

• I will comply with all state and federal laws, including those related to obscenity, pornography or delivery to minors material deemed harmful to them, and with Albert Wisner Public Library policies and procedures.
• I understand and acknowledge that the internet contains information, both written and visual, which may be offensive or harmful to me or to others.
• I understand that the Library’s wireless network is not secure. Information sent to and from a laptop can be captured by anyone else with a wireless device and the appropriate software.
• I release the Albert Wisner Public Library from all liabilities associated with my viewing of, use of, or exposure to any information, software, picture, graphical representation, or illustration I may encounter while using any public-use computer, whether or not such information appears on or is delivered through the workstation I use.
• I understand that all audio files must be listened to through headphones. Headphones are available at the Help Desk.
• I understand that I create, store, and use personal files at my own risk, and that the Library is not responsible for the loss of personal electronic documents and/or files.
• I understand that failure to comply with Library policies and procedures may result in Library penalties including suspension of internet privileges and permanent eviction from the Library.
• I understand that the Albert Wisner Public Library reserves the right to change its policies and procedures, and that individual staff members are not authorized to modify these policies for any user.

Approved by the Board of Trustees 3/21/06