The Library Board of Trustees is comprised of seven members elected by the residents of the Warwick Valley Central School District to serve a term of five years each. The Board of Trustees meets monthly at the Library on the fourth Tuesday at 7:00pm in the Board Room.
The public is welcome to attend. Guests may participate during the Public Comment part of the meeting upon being recognized by the President of the Board. Please note the guidelines that will be followed:
- Comments are limited to 3 minutes per person; one person’s minutes may not be yielded to another speaker.
- In the interest of time, upon opening public comment, the Board President may limit the total amount of time that will be devoted to public comment.
- Speakers are asked to refrain from restating points already made.
- After speaking, guests may remain or depart, as desired.
The Board will limit itself to listening and to asking questions for clarification. It will take all comments into consideration, but will not discuss, render an immediate decision, nor take immediate action on any opinion or request expressed by a guest.
- Mark Damia, President (current term: 2020-2025); serves on all standing Board committees
- Nora Aman-Gurvich, Vice President (current term: 2020-2025); Chair, Community Relations Committee; Finance Committee
- Regina Wittosch, Financial Officer (current term: 2023-2028); Chair, Buildings & Grounds Committee; Chair, Finance Committee
- Colleen Larson, Secretary (current term: 2024-2029); Personnel Committee
- Mary Berrigan (current term: 2024-2029); Personnel Committee; Buildings & Grounds Committee
- Barbara Johansen (current term: 2022-2027); Buildings & Grounds Committee
- Dr. Wayne Rossi (current term: 2021-2026); Buildings & Grounds Committee