Name: Irene Breznak
Biographical Information: Irene Breznak started writing stories as soon as she could print; however, she made them up long before that. “I spun tales from the moment I could speak,” Irene states. “From my parents’ perspective, the stories were often viewed as ‘fibs’. From my perspective, I was an author in training.”
Irene is the third of six children. She was born in Wilmington, Delaware, and raised most of her life in central New Jersey. Irene credits her paternal grandfather for teaching her the art of
storytelling and attributes her sense of humor to growing up with four brothers. Irene’s background is in Education, Marketing, Copywriting and Consumer Product Development. Irene currently resides outside of Scranton, Pennsylvania with her two teenage sons, Zach and Connor, their huge appetites and dirty laundry.
Featured Book: Sneezy Louise. As Louise sneezes her way through a “not-so-easy day” with itchy eyes, a wheezy throat and a very sneezy nose, she encounters one mishap after another. All the while, friends and family remind her to cover her mouth when she sneezes and oftentimes, in a “not-so-friendly” manner.
Other Titles: n/a
Age Group of Materials Published: elementary school
Honors: CBC/IRA 2010 Children’s Choices Booklist