Donation Policy

Albert Wisner Public Library (AWPL) deeply appreciates the generosity of those who support the Library’s mission.  Contributions help the Library grow and enhance its services for the community.  We welcome donations of financial gifts, securities, books, furnishings, and real estate.  Below is the donation acceptance policy set by the AWPL Board of Trustees.

        1.    We gladly accept library material donations, evaluating them using the same criteria as purchased items. Based on the Library’s needs and patron interests, we may add materials to our collection, share them with other RCLS libraries, or find other uses.  We may limit the quantity of donations, upon considering available space and anticipated demand.

        2.    We accept all donations with the understanding that they come without conditions or restrictions. The Library Director and/or Board of Trustees will decide how best to use the gifts for the Library’s benefit.  We will respectfully decline any gifts with conditions or restrictions attached.

        3.    The Library Director, in partnership with the Board of Trustees, handles generous gifts of cash, securities, or real property, ensuring the terms align with the Library’s mission and the donor’s wishes.

        4.    Please direct monetary donations to the Albert Wisner Public Library Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit that raises funds for the Library.  You may be eligible for tax deductions for contributions, as allowed by law.

        5.    The Library Director carefully considers proposed donations of furnishings, equipment, or other tangible items based on need, condition, space, and the anticipated cost and frequency of maintenance.

        6.    We will provide written acknowledgment of gifts upon request from the donor.

        7.    AWPL does not appraise gifts for tax purposes and encourages donors to seek independent evaluations.  We will gladly provide a signed receipt if requested.

        8.    The Board of Trustees strongly discourages requests for naming rights, because assigning consistent value to spaces or objects is challenging.  Named areas also may constrain the Library’s ability to adapt and grow in the future.

        9.    AWPL reserves the right to accept, donate, repurpose, sell, or discard any unsolicited items left anonymously inside the building or outside on Library property.

Adopted by the Board of Trustees:  11/20/2024