How to Suspend a Hold

If you’re leaving on vacation, on a business trip or for any other extended period of time, you can “suspend” library item(s) you have on hold.  This ensures that your hold isn’t filled while you are away (so that you don’t miss picking it up on time) and your hold maintains the same place in line while suspended.  So there’s no disadvantage to suspending holds, and you’ll avoid the inconvenience of having to re-hold an item that expired on the hold shelf. 

Here’s how to suspend a hold:

First, log into your Library account on the Catalog (  using your barcode and PIN.
1.    Click on My Account at the top of the screen.
2.    Click the Holds tab.
3.    Select the item(s) to be suspended by clicking the small box immediately to the left of the title.
4.    Click the Suspend Hold(s) tab.
5.    Enter the start and end dates of the suspension (ideally, the last day you’ll be able to pick up items before departure, and the first day you’ll be able to pick up items upon your return.)
6.    Click Suspend.  An icon resembling a calendar will appear to the left of each item you have suspended.

If you need help, or do not have access to a computer or SmartPhone to log into your account, please feel free to call the Library Help Desk at 986-1047, ext. 3 for assistance in suspending your holds.