Environmental Film Series 2011

2011 Environmental Film Series @ AWPL

May 1st @ 3pm – Queen of the Sun

As part of the Library’s Earth Day celebration, we will screen Queen of the Sun:  What Are the Bees Telling Us? in the Community Room at 3:00pm.  Open to adults and attentive younger viewers; registration is required.

This 2010 documentary from Taggart Siegel, director of The Real Dirt on Farmer John, is a profound alternative examination of the global bee crisis.  Taking us on a journey through the catastrophic disappearance of bees and the mysterious world of the beehive, this ultimately uplifting film portrays an unusual story of beekeepers, scientists and philosophers — including Michael Pollan, Gunther Hauk and Vandana Shiva — who together reveal the problems and solutions for renewing a culture in balance with nature.  Laura Langford Schnur will introduce the film.  Following the screening, Brian Fitzsimmons, a local amateur beekeeper, will lead a Q&A session. 

A small, free-will donation will be requested to defray the cost of the film’s purchasing and screening rights.


May 6th @ 7pm – Gasland


The office of NY State Senator David Carlucci will sponsor a screening of Gasland on Friday, May 6 at 7pm in the Community Room.  Gasland is an award-winning 2010 film which focuses on United States communities affected by natural gas drilling, and specifically, on the extraction method known as hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking.”  The film presents a critical look at shale gas exploration and hydraulic fracturing and their effects on the environment.  Senator Carlucci will attend the screening and participate in a discussion afterward. Registration is required


World According to MonsantoMay 14th @ 2pm – The World According to Monsanto

The League of Women Voters will present The World According to Monsanto, a 2008 documentary film directed by Marie-Monique Robin, on Saturday, May 14 at 2:00pm in the Community Room.  The film is based on Robin’s three-year investigation into the international practices of the agricultural giant Monsanto Corporation.  Monsanto controls most of the yield of the world’s genetically-modified corn and soy — ingredients found in more than ninety-five percent of American households.  The World According to Monsanto examines the long-term worldwide health, environmental and economic consequences of corporate control of the food supply.   A panel discussion with local farmers will follow the film’s screening. Registration is required.

Please register for each film individually:  registering for one does not automatically register you for all three.  To register, please click on the link provided by the description of each movie (above), or call the Help Desk at 986-1047, ext. 3.