Annual Appeal 2017/2018


These are just some of the adjectives our community shared when asked to describe our award-winning Library. 2017 has shaped up to be another great year, because rather than rest on our laurels, we are committed to challenging ourselves to be even better with services and resources that continue to delight and amaze our community. 

In 2017, with your donations to the Appeal, we:

  • Expanded our popular museum pass program
  • Added a 3D printer
  • Hosted a variety of musical and dramatic performances
  • including our very own Senior Improv Group
  • Supplied multiple copies of books on a quarterly basis for the Warwick Cafe Reading Project
  • Welcomed thousands to the annual 2017 Warwick Children’s Book Festival on Railroad Avenue in the Village of Warwick
  • Proudly supported our 2nd place AWPL team in the Regional Teen Battle of the Books
  • Added Backpack kits to our popular Storytime Kits
  • Hosted the Warwick Literary Festival

…And so much more.  Simply put, we do all that we do with both public and private support.  We hope you will consider one of the opportunities to support our Appeal this year.  You may donate online, or print out a donation formEvery gift makes a difference to our Library.  Thank you very much!