Loan periods

Books and Periodicals

  • Express Adult Books:  7-day loan; no holds, no renewals.  Limit two (2) Express book per library card at a time. 
  • New Adult Books:  14-day loan; holds permitted; up to two renewals permitted if the book is not on hold for another Warwick patron.
  • Reference Books:  non-circulating; for in-house use only.  
  • All other paper books, including Children’s:  28-day loan; holds permitted; up to 2 renewals permitted if the book is not on hold for another patron.
  • Magazines: current issue does not circulate. Back issues circulate for 14 days; holds permitted; renewal permitted if the magazine is not on hold for another Warwick patron.
  • Local History collection:  non-circulating; for in-house use only.  
  • Foreign Language Self-Instruction materials (all formats):  28-day loan; holds permitted; up to 2 renewals permitted if the item is not on hold for another patron. 

Audio-Visual Materials

Books on CD

  • New Books on CD:  14-day loan; holds permitted; up to 2 renewals permitted if the book is not on hold for another Warwick patron.
  • All other Books on CD:  28-day loan; holds permitted; up to 2 renewals permitted if the book is not on hold for another patron. 

DVDs and Blu-Ray DVDs

  • Express Adult DVDs:  3-day loan, no holds, no renewals.  Limit one (1) per library card at a time.
  • New Adult DVDs:  3-day loan, holds permitted; no renewals.  Limit one (1) per library card at a time.
  • All other Entertainment DVDs, including Children’s:  7-day loan; holds permitted; up to 2 renewals permitted if the DVD is not on hold for another patron.  Limit eight (8) DVDs per card at a time.
  • Non-Fiction Adult DVDs:  14-day loan; holds permitted; up to 2 renewals permitted if the DVD is not on hold for another patron.  Limit eight (8) DVDs per card at a time.
  • Non-Fiction Children’s DVDs:  7-day loan; holds permitted; up to 2 renewals permitted if the DVD is not on hold for another patron.  Limit eight (8) DVDs per card at a time.

Music CDs

  • New Music CDs:  14-day loan; holds permitted; up to 2 renewals permitted if the CD is not on hold for another Warwick patron.
  • All other Music CDs:  28-day loan; holds permitted; up to 2 renewals permitted if the CD is not on hold for another patron.

Other Digital Formats

  • MP3 on CD:  14-day loan; holds permitted; up to 2 renewals permitted if the MP3 is not on hold for another patron. 
  • Playaways:  14-day loan; holds permitted; up to 2 renewals permitted if the Playaway is not on hold for another Warwick patron.
  • Video Games (both Children’s and Adult Collections):  7-day loan; no holds; no renewals.  Limit one (1) video game per card at a time. 
  • Great Courses Collection:  28-day loan; holds permitted; up to 2 renewals permitted if the material is not on hold for another patron.