Getting a Library Card

Link to Online Library Card Application

How to get a libary cardPart I.  REGISTRATION GUIDELINES
An application must be completed for every person wishing to borrow materials from Albert Wisner Public Library.  Patrons from other RCLS library districts are encouraged to use Albert Wisner Library, and may do so by using the ANSER Library Card provided by their home library.  Library cards are valid for a period of one (1) year; they will be automatically renewed after address and telephone number has been verified for currency.  Identification is required for all adult patrons (age sixteen and older) before a card is issued.

  • A form of identification which contains a photograph of the applicant is required – i.e., a current driver’s license showing the correct street address, a school identification card or Village of Warwick Local Residency card.
  • A customer without a photo ID showing the correct address must provide two (2) alternate forms of written address verification.  As a last resort, the applicant may request that the Library mail him a postcard. Upon receipt of the postcard, the patron may bring it to the Library, and that will serve as address verification.  Library materials may only be borrowed after the applicant has received the library card.

Children who have entered Kindergarten are eligible to receive a library card.  A card is issued to a child until he reaches 16 years of age with the signature of a parent or guardian, who acknowledges responsibility for library materials checked out by the child.  Examples of guardians include:  aunt, uncle, grandparent, divorced parent or foster parent. A guardian need not be related to the child, but must accept responsibility for the child’s Library materials.

Library cards may be issued to agencies that serve groups of people.   Examples of eligible agencies are:  day care centers, community centers and nursing homes.  Materials checked out on agency cards are for use of the staff of these agencies as employees of the agency, not for individual use.


A. Albert Wisner Public Library Cards
An individual residing in the Warwick Valley Central School District is eligible for an Albert Wisner Public Library card.  Individuals residing in Orange County areas unserved by a public library, and which have a contract for library services with the Ramapo Catskill Library System, are also eligible for an AWPL card. Finally, individuals who live outside of the school district, but who own a business or property in the district, are also eligible for an AWPL card. They should use the business address as their home address, and must provide current identification that names them as the business owner.  If the owner does not reside at the business address, his/her legal address will be used for mailing purposes, and a note will be placed in the Library’s database to that effect.

In general, residents in the following communities are eligible to receive an AWPL Library card:  Village of Warwick, Town of Warwick, Pine Island, Bellvale, New Milford, and parts of Sugar Loaf .

As of January 1, 2003, residents of the Minisink Valley School District are NOT eligible to receive RCLS library cards.  Residents of these towns concerned about this restriction should consult with their Town Supervisors, who are responsible for deciding not to collect taxes in support of library service for their residents.

B. ANSER cards:  Ramapo Catskill Library System Cards
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