World Book Night 2012

The Friends of the AWPL Library is participating in UNESCO’s World Book Night, a charity dedicated to the promotion of literacy and the celebration, sharing and enjoyment of reading amongst teenagers and adults. The first World Book Night was held in the UK in 2011 and was a great success.  In 2012, World Book Night will be celebrated in the USA as well as the UK and Ireland on Monday, April 23 and will see tens of thousands of volunteers share the joy and love of reading with millions of non- or light readers.

A few highlights of the program are:

    * Volunteer book givers (individuals, ­ not groups) are needed to distribute 20 free books each to light or non-readers on April 23rd. The Friends group is providing volunteers and would love AWPL patrons and other friends to join us.  The books will be provided by major publishers and book distributors free of charge.

    * Volunteer book givers must complete a brief application online. The deadline for submitting the application is February 1st.

   * On the application, the volunteer book giver selects a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choice for the book that he/she would like to distribute from the 30 books selected by World Book Night. The titles cover several genres; added this year are science fiction and YA titles. The books are specially-published paperback editions.

    * Also on the application you will be asked to describe the location where the books will be distributed. The goal is to distribute the free books to light or non-readers, but this is a judgment call. The important thing is that these books are not intended to be given to already known active readers. Examples of possible distribution locations are hospitals, nursing homes, bus stops, restaurants, gyms, community centers, etc.

   * Albert Wisner Public Library has applied and been approved to be a book pick-up site, so it will be easy to obtain your 20 free copies of your selected book.

    * Approved book givers will be notified by mid-February as to what title they have been assigned.

    * The Friends group will be holding a kick-off reception at the Library where you can meet and greet the other book givers and pick up your books.

For more information, to browse the selected books, and to fill out the application, please go to the World Book Night website at  Barbara Fink, member of the Friends of the Library and of the AWPL staff, is coordinating this event here; feel free to email questions to her at