Name: Michelle Zink
Biographical Information: Michelle Zink lives in New York with her four children.
Featured Book: Prophecy of the Sisters trilogy. Twin sisters Lia and Alice Milthorpe have just become orphans. They have also become enemies. As they discover their roles in a prophecy that has turned generations of sisters against each other, the girls find themselves entangled in a mystery that involves a tattoo-like mark, their parents’ deaths, a boy, a book, and a lifetime of secrets. Lia and Alice don’t know whom they can trust. They just know they can’t trust each other.
Other Titles:
Prophecy of the Sisters
Guardian of the Gate
Circle of Fire
Age Group of Materials published: Teen
Booklist Top Ten Debut Novels of 2009
Chicago Public Library Best Books for Young Readers
Lonestar Reading List
New York Public Library Stuff for the Teen Age