Primary Documents
about Warwick history
on the World Wide Web

Primary source documents are writings by a person who witnessed the events they are writing about. Included below are a few links for general primary documents about American History which add to the understanding of topics included in our history pages, and documents with a particular regional or local interest.

Most of the primary documents that are part of that website are available through the Warwick Heritage Database, in the Primary Documents Folder
A few of them are also listed below:

The Colonial Era

*Elder James Benedict by Mrs. Elizabeth C. Van Duzer contains primary document quotes.

The Revolutionary War

*Selected letters and documents of Col. John Hathorn

The Civil War

*"The 124th New York State Volunteers" has loaded primary documents about this local unit.

*Notes and quotes from Charles Weygant's History of the 124th NYSV Please note: Only the text shown in quotes is considered 'primary' material

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