In colonial times, the letter “s” was often printed as an “F” (look at “Goshen”)

A. The colonial government awarded land grants, or patents.
 Local Warwick land grants were:
Samuel Staats, who built a house here in 1700 (possibly the oldest standing house in Orange County), on the grounds of what is now Applewood Orchard off Four Corners Rd.  See
Cheesecocks Patent in 1702, covered some sections of Warwick, primarily in eastern part of town.
Wawayanda Patent in 1703 (this is the Patent signed by Benjamin Aske and Warwick’s local chief, Chuckhass)

B. The ill-defined boundaries of sometimes overlapping patents resulted in many lawsuits, the most well know of which is the Wawayanda & Cheescocks Patent Dispute, whose opposing lawyers were Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr.  The case was argued at Yelverton’s Inn, in Chester in 1785.

C. Stories of daily life found in “Under Old Roof Trees” (see extract handout).

D. The strategic target in Warwick that seems to have been prominent in the minds of the British was the Sterling Iron Works.