Colonial “roads” could range
from foot paths to the official “King’s Road”. This road was created 40 rods wide, (according
to this transcription by Genevieve Van Duzer) A rod is 16.5 feet, so while it is
unlikely that the trees and brush were cleared for this width, this
emphasizes that colonial travelers felt the need for wide margins where they
could see, in order to feel safe. Many “Kings Roads” were created during the
French and Indian Wars as the need to move troops and ordinance about quickly
The Warwick portion of the
road began within Joseph Perry’s land (he owned the area near Wickham Lake,
which in early days was called “Perry’s Pond”); Thomas Blain’s property was
in the vicinity of the Chateau Hathorn and Shoprite, the Double Kill crosses
the present Rt. 94 at New Milford, and Thomas DeKay’s house was over the line
into New Jersey.
Environmental changes are
implied by this document: Lands were
being cleared, fences erected. One
story from colonial days that is in Under Old Rooftrees, from colonial
“One landed proprietor was
wont, as he sat before his blazing
hearth, to muse on the
prospects of his descendants for fuel and grieve for fear the wood might be
exhausted and future want exist.
Sometimes the good old man,
although owning broad acres of
timber, would remove an
extra brand, saying, "We must be very
careful; I don't know what
our children will do for wood, it's going so