Comparison of the 1805 map
and the 1875 Town map shows a tremendous amount of growth in the Town. Hamlets have grown up around town, and
schools were usually centrally located within each school district.
Activity: Find Hamlets &
Villages. Each school district is a
different color– how many school districts?
How did this affect who you knew?
What other social centers were there?
Changes in:
A.Transportation & Geography:
Turnpikes & plant roads improving movement between
population centers and markets.
1810—Bellvale (later & Monroe) Turnpike
c. 1811 Minisink & Warwick Turnpike
Goshen and State Plank Road
Warwick Valley Railroad in the 1860’s linking agricultural
products with wider markets, nearness to NYC.
Exploitation of resources: Mt. Adam Granite Co., Iron mines.
B. Technology:
Inventions to improve the ability to produce & harvest more
from the land.
Iron mines become more profitable.
C. Environment: Draining
Black Dirt, Beaver & Muskrat Wars. See Snell’s Drowned Lands of the