- History has little meaning unless it resonates with our daily lives.
- Anything is bearable if you can make a story out of it.
--N. Scott Momaday
- Seeing our challenges as part of a continuum gives them meaning and
gives us hope.
- The past does not repeat itself, but it rhymes.
--Mark Twain
- Our local history echoes that of the larger culture;
- differences and similarities between “then” to “now” are what imbue
- History is filled with the sound of silken slippers going downstairs and
wooden shoes coming up.
- The uniqueness of a particular scene and time is what brings the past
to life.
- Deposition of David Davis
- Relative to Maratanza Pond, Ulster County
- From the Cadwallader Colden Papers, Vol. 7
- Published in
- “Collections of the New York Historical Society”
- For the year 1923
- p. 55-56
- “David Davis being Duely Sworn Deposeth and Saith that he is 75 years of
age—that in the Year 1712 he Lived at Warwick in Orange County With
Captain Aske—that at that time a Great Number of Indians Lived there
that he often heard the Indians Speak of a Pond on the Mountain between
the Drownded Land & Minisink which they called as he thinks
Camallo—that some time after being in Company with Lawrance Decker who
understood the Indian Language and Some Indians & mentioning the
Name of the Pond the Indians & Decker Laugh’d upon which this
Deponan(t) asked Decker what they Laugh’d when Decker said it was at the
Name of the Pond which Signify a Place where Young Indians & their
Wives Mett & made Merry—that in Perticular an Indian Called George
who Could talk English….” (further details about dispute over pond
omitted) [August 27, 1765]
- “Certificate of Laying Out of a King’s Road – 40 Rods Wide”
- Recorded at the request of Messrs. Thomas Smith and William Mapes,
Commissioners for the Precinct of Goshen, this 29th day of October,
- November 20th 1735, at the request of Msrs. Benjamin Ask, Thomas Dekey,
Richard Buell, Thomas Wright, Lawrence Decker, Joseph Perry and others
of Wawayanda in Orange County, in the Province of New York, we have laid
out a certain King’s Road of forty rod wide, beginning at or near the
corner of Mr. Vincent Matthew’s Improved Land at or by Goshen road;
thence running as the Old road runs about two rods to the north of Mr.
Gold Smith house and thence along to a certain place to the Otterkill by
a butter nut tree standing in the Loe Land; then from the butter nut
tree over the brook up the Valley to the old path or road and so along
the old roads to Cromelines Creek; then along the creek on the west side
of the creek though the fence as the old road formerly went to the house
of the said Cromlines; then along the south side of the swamp running to
the old road. Then along the old road on the north side of Joseph
Perry’s fence & so along the old Road to Lawrence Decker’s house on
the south side of the house; along the side of the hill over the
Crossway; then along the old Road through Thomas Blains fence on the
South side of his house and so over the Bridge; then along the road as
it goes to Abraham Wintfield house on the south side of the said house;
then along the Old Wagon road tell it come near the Duble kill; then
directly to the intended Bridges over the Duble Kill; then along on a
strait course to the house where young Jacob Decker lives on the south
side of the said house; then along the road that runs to Gold’s
Plantation over the said Kill till it comes near the house of Thomas
Dekey house; then running from the said road northward over the creek or
run and so along the north side of the said Thomas Dekey’s barn & so
to his house.
- (Signed) Tho Smith, William
Mapes Recorded, Liber B. page 483, October 29, 1736, Orange County
- Francis Baird’s Tavern, built 1766
- on the King’s Highway
- January 14, 1778
“…Your committee, who were sent to ascertain the place for fixing
a chain and erecting fortifications for obstructing the navigation of
Hudson’s river, beg leave to report… From these considerations, the
committee are led to conclude that the most proper place to obstruct the
navigation of the river is at West Point..” Jno. Sloss Hobart,Henry
Wisner,John Hathorn,Zepha. Platt [Included as note, Public Papers of
George Clinton Vol. II No. 1021]
- George Washington Papers at the Library of Congress, 1741-1799: Series 5
Financial Papers (Washington stopped at Warwick) by Jonathan Trumbull
Jr., July, 1782, Revolutionary War Accounts, Vouchers, and Receipted
Accounts 2
- Other visitors included:
- May 20, 1779:
“This morning the weather still continued rainy necessity obliged
us to continue the march, the traveling is extremely bad, and 9 o’clock
made a halt at a small village called Warwick, NY, six miles. Here we
took breakfast at Baird’s Tavern, from whence we proceeded on the march
to Hardiston, NJ 7 miles .”These troops were on the march to join Gen.
Sullivan’s expedition against the Indians.
- Oct. 20, 1779: 3d Regiment Continental Line, Capt. Phillip Du Bois
Beiver & Lieut. Frees
- Dec. 6, 1782 the Marquis de Chastellux, part of the French delegation.
- Other records of visitors
- Primary Documents:
- General Hathorn’s Report on the Battle of Minisink
- Hathorn and Wisner’s letters to
Gov. Clinton
- Washington’s letter regarding mail route
- Salt shortages in Florida
- Warwick militia testifies against 13 Tories
- Hathorn reports on movements of the enemy
- Secondary Documents/
- Oral Tradition
- Boston Tea Party Witness
- Burgoyne’s Army at Warwick
- Pursuit of Tories
- Report of Hathorn on Regiment
- Feud of Tory vs. Whig
- Henry Wisner of the Continental Congress
- Some Revolutionary War Sites in Warwick
- Defense of the Hudson
- In 1872 Henry Pelton wrote down his memories of Warwick, as it was when
he arrived in 1805, which included a sketch of who lived where and other
memories of the area.
- As we look at the map created from his descriptions by Elizabeth Van
Duzer we can see:
- Roads of the colonial era are still recognizable today.
- There was a significant population already in the Town (3,747 in 1790)
- Environmental features such as stream beds were already being changed;
the swampy areas of the Wawayanda Creek were already proving a source of
health problems. Memories of Native Americans were being carried forward
in oral tradition, but were often fragmentary.